Steps Evolution Community
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Overture Sneak Peak 1
We all know that our beloved game STEPS Evolution will be having another update this summer. But it's not just an update it's a major major update, So when? Well i apologize guys and dolls i cannot tell you the exact date of the launch and it's pretty bad if we commit a date then we will not be able to make it on that date right?
in the past few weeks I've been exploring the wonderful alternate world of STEPS also known as the test server. Despite of the huge language barrier between me and the world! ( It's in Chinese, not yet translated ) i managed to get familiarized with some of the important features available in the Overture Patch. Lets check it out!
The good thing about this godlike wings (available in 4 colors) is that it is a back costume and a flying tool at the same time! And yes you can now JUMP in the game by hitting the space bar button!
Another thing that really amused me with these update is the addition of a new transformation Pet. Available in 4 Colors, that represent an element(?) These phoenix will surely enchants you with it's magical design.
We will get into the details about it soon. That's all for now and keep on visiting our blog for more updates .Good day!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Drive with your Rapid Motorcycle
Rapid motorcycles allows you to become the King or Queen of the road with hair raising speed!
How to obtain the Rapid Motorbikes?
Player must purchase the latest lucky voucher "Rapid Coupon’ for a chance to obtain the Rapid Motorcycle that comes in 2 different style.
The Light Rapid Motorbike that emits chains of lightning that will surely gives you an electrifying experience.
And the Dark Rapid Motorbike that sets the roads ablaze! Its a one way ticket to hell!
if ever you didn't manage to obtain a Rapid Motorcycle fret not because you can party like a rock star with this elite costumes that will surely raise the roof!
Perfectly designed to compliment the overall theme of the Rapid Coupon's Rebel theme.
Dead Spirit Set
For Female:
Sakura Set
To play register at and activate STEPS!
Download the client here
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Transform with your Evil Fox Pet!
There was a legend in the dance world where a beautiful and intelligent fox who had lived over a thousand years.
According to the rumors the fox will unite it's master when they dance together.
However the Fox true intention is to conquer the dance floor by using the body of it's host. Even if it's against it's master's will, hence they call it the Evil Fox.
Lets Steps Evolution unleash your inner fox!
Introduction of Human and Pet Composition.
Human and Pet composition aka as Pet transformation allows a player to combine with his/her pet. In exchange the owner of the pet will transform into a demi-human like creature garbed with a magnificent costume designed after his/her pet and the pet will temporarily disappear.
Not all pets has the ability to merge with their master. The 2 known pet that possesses this ability so far is the Evil Fox and the Christmas Elk from the Xmas coupon.
How to obtain the Evil Fox?
Player must purchase the latest "Muse Coupon’ if they want a chance to obtain the Evil Fox.
The Evil Fox comes as the first prize item from the Muse Coupon.
As soon as you received the Evil Fox. You can be able to send it as a gift to other players.
Young Fox
The initial grade of the fox is 5 Stars or Level 5 after incubation and its basic attribute is 0.
Young foxes will grow slowly when it’s along with player and when its growth level is up to 10000, the Young fox will become a mature fox.
Tip: Purchase a Magical Cake from the item mall. It only cost 2,800 In-game gold, With that the Satiation of your pet will be full for 7 days. Keep in mind that pet will not grow if your satiation level is low or empty.
Mature Fox
Mature Fox is intelligent and it is able to possess on the body of its master through ‘Composition’ and makes player becomes a sexy fox with an ivory aura like a beautiful legend.
Fox Composition with Human
The Evil fox will disappear temporarily when the fox is integrated with it's master.
During this stage, the player has the ability to summon his or her baby, But summoning another pet will cancel the integration as well as De-summoning the Evil Fox.
You can also cancel out the integration by clicking the "Disintegrate" button at the right side of your screen next to the Evil Fox portrait or clicking the same button located at your pet's main window.
Other Rewards for the Muse Coupon
Magnificent outfits waits, if ever you didn't manage to obtain the Evil Fox.
Permanent SFX Outfit that you can obtain from Muse Coupon!
For Male:
-Moondust Suit
For Female:
-Moondust Dress
White Mask (Available in various color)
White Fox Headgear
Gentle Reminder
Before the Fox’s incubation please make sure that you have an available Pet Slot. If Pet Slot is full, just buy a ‘Magic Backpack’ to obtain new slot.
To play register at and activate STEPS!
Download the client here
Thursday, January 20, 2011
[Feature] My Sweet Home Furniture Production

Once the Material Production is complete. It's time to take the materials from your farm, ranch pond and mine. So what will you do with your precious booties? Of course it is to make furniture's that you can display inside your home!
For starters, find the production area located in your garden.
As you can see, An orange an a green colored button will appear in the upper left side of your screen. Since we will be making Furniture's, click the Orange button or the Carpentry Section and the production window will appear just like the SYNTHESIS.
Before making anything else make sure that the required materials is in your BAG not on your STORE.
Producing Timber
The very basic material needed for most furniture. Depending on the furniture that you will be making. The timber starts from Grade 1 to 6. The materials needed to make this came from your harvest.
Certificate Production
This section produces tables than can be displayed in the right corner of your bed.
it produces a themed sala set that occupy a whole side of your room.

Produces different floor/ Indoor Display ornaments.
How can i put a furniture inside my Home?
Check this video out on how to set a furniture courtesy of Peaky.
Make sure the item is located in your backpack.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
[Feature] My Sweet Home Material Production
Ever since the "New Years Expansion" was released in STEPS Evolution. Along with the much awaited Drum Mode. The game feature the "My Sweet Home" System that allows you to have your own virtual space or lets call it Home complete with garden, farm and a ranch.
The main purpose of this system is to allow you to customize, decorate, design your own private virtual space in any way you want using different kinds of furniture so you can hang out with your friends, partner or baby in case the dance rooms and the rave party is too crowded for your taste.
Once you reach level 10, The system will automatically gives you a quest that rewards you a Home Application Card.
This is where the Farming comes into play, It's as easy as ABC. Plant it. wait for it to mature, protect it from different phenomenons. Once it matures harvest it before someone does! You heard it right you can Steal someone else harvests.
With Farming, you can harvest different materials that you can use to create different furniture's.
Once you go near the areas where you can Plant, Plants, Water, Animals or Ore's (i know right! Kinda weird huh?) The farming menu will appear.
In this Menu you can perform different "farming" actions (STEPS Evolution style) like you've never seen before!
From left to right : Plant, Pray, Weeds, Pests, Water, Repair, Harvest and Destroy.
Let's discuss it One by One.
The most basic of all command, Without it you cannot harvest anything. So before anything else Plant what you want to Sow!
Click it to choose what to be planted in your inventory.
Now choose the item that you want to plant for example Tree Seed that produces Timber.
You can buy seeds at the SPACE section of the item mall. All of the item can be purchased just by using In-Game Golds.
Keep in mind that you can only plant a specific item in a specific area. if you want plants the proceed to the Garden/Farm area as you can see in the screen shot above.
If you want Materials that came from Animals such as Wool then go to the ranch area.
For Minerals go to the Mine area.
For Mist and water related materials go to the Pond area.
Once you plant successfully, There will be a countdown on when you can harvest it.
If you think that's all for planting. You are wrong.
Now it's time for you to protect it from different phenomenon's.
These phenomenon's slows down and sometimes destroy the production of your materials.
If a rainbow appears on Top. Pray to the gods above. This phenomena has a chance to increase the speed of your production if you pray.
Weeds and Weeds
Use the Weeds to pick up the Weeds that prevents your plants from growing.
It only happens at plants.
Pests are us!
When worms appears in your crops use pests. Fight fire with fire eh? Use some pests to make them go away!
I'm in HEAT i need WATER
In case the temperature is high or they are in heat. Sprinkle them with some water.
Other Actions

When the production completed. it's time to harvest it before someone else does.
You can also destroy or repair what you planted.